Top Trends in Dentistry

The dental industry is currently in a phase of rapid growth. Enhanced dental coverage, comprehensive treatment plans, and innovative digital marketing channels, are just a few recent dental industry trends that will continue to shape the oral healthcare sector in 2023 and beyond. As dental care is a fast-growing industry, there are several new trends and innovations emerging in day-to-day life.

Let’s find out more about what is in store for dental care in this new year.

1. Teledentistry- Comfort & Convenience

Although not a breakthrough in technology, the rising value of convenience is necessary. There has been a significant focus on the comfort and convenience of patients in healthcare recently, and dentistry is no exception. Patients nowadays have several options when choosing healthcare providers, so it stands to reason that they will pick the easiest and most comfortable option.

Teledentistry has been defined as “the remote practice of dentistry by oral health professionals, within the limit of their practices, via the use of information and communication technology”. It can happen in two forms:

  • Real-time consultation
  • Store and forward

Technological innovations and high-speed internet networks can be applied in the field of medicine and dentistry. In this pandemic, teledentistry can prove to be of great help to patients with dental emergencies.

2. 3D Printing

The global 3D market is expected to expand by 21% from 2022 to 2028. In 3D printing, dentists replace or repair a damaged tooth and the dentist scans the patient’s mouth with a small digital wand. This creates a 3D image of the teeth and gums, which is saved on the computer. The great thing about 3D printing is the fact that it doesn’t just benefit the patient, but also the doctors.

3. Laser Dentistry

Laser technology is one of the most exciting and in-demand trends in the dental industry, owing to its various and unique applications. For starters, it can be used in teeth whitening and cavity treatments and provide excellent results at higher efficiency. It’s also used in removing lesions and tooth decay, altering the shape of the gums, getting rid of bacteria in root canals, and a host of other functions. The procedures are much smoother, and patients experience less discomfort and pain. It also reflects on the healing time, which is reduced with laser technology.

4. Dental Group Practices

Young dentists would often dream of graduating from school to start their own practice, but reality quickly fades away and leaves room for dental group practices, which is one of the more popular trends in the industry. Patients are treated in a much more efficient, friendly, and time-saving manner when they deal with dental group practices. As for dentists, they could generate bigger revenues and decrease costs by teaming up with professionals in their area.

In short,

Many of these trends focus on improving patient care and the overall patient experience, including comfort, accessibility, affordability, and a wide range of treatments. Also, many technological developments are entering the dental field.

If you are looking for a quality family dental clinic, MAcare provides a wide range of dental services for all your dental needs, including emergency dental care at all times. Whether you need cutting-edge technology or an expert cosmetic treatment, we have got you covered.

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